50% Complete
50% Complete
- Suzie M - Boston, MA
There are SO many programs promising "quick wins".
Finding answers is EXHAUSTING, and it really feels like, “been there, done that, nothing is going to work!”
Have you been yoyo dieting and you can't stick with things because the food is terrible and makes you feel miserable?
Or, maybe you've tried other "health programs" where you did see some results, but once you finished the "diet" you couldn't sustain it?
This is SO COMMON. We hear this story ALL THE TIME.
We've worked with some of the most respected doctors and dietitians in the country to combine the BEST PROVEN STRATEGIES into a SIMPLE SYSTEM that really works!
Over 30,000 people have used the SK60® system to get healthy, sleep better, gain energy, and lose weight. And, YOU can too!
- Ingrid W - Chicago, IL
- Dan F - Los Angeles, CA
- Liz C - Melbourne, Australia
- Angela G - Kansas City, MO
- Dawn S - Toronto, Canada
There are millions of people in The Blender Girl community using my health tips and recipes to get healthy, and I want to help you, too!
My passion is making healthy living easy, delicious, and fun; and I created this program through personal experience.
Perimenopause hit me hard in my mid 40's. My metabolism slowed dramatically, I developed insomnia, I was tired all the time, I had brain fog, muscle aches and pains, hot flashes, and night sweats, and dramatic mood swings.
I put on a ton of weight (over 30 pounds) on my belly, thighs, butt, and face, and I looked like a puffed up blowfish.
My self-esteem took a nosedive, and my gut health took a beating.
And, at the same time, my dad got cancer. We were determined to beat it!
So, I created a Gut Health Protocol for both of us (in consultation with dad's oncologists) and the results were extraordinary!
Dad made a full recovery, and is feeling amazing. We both regulated our blood sugar and hormones. All of my symptoms of menopause went away, I lost over 30 pounds (dad lost 20 pounds), we were both sleeping through the night, and had more energy than we had had in years!
So, I consulted with leading doctors and dietitians to fine-tune the system for women and men of all ages and situations, and the SK60® System was born.
I brought on a team of dietitians to support participants through the program, and the transformations for people of all ages have been INCREDIBLE.
After I launched the 60-Day Program, I received hundreds of requests for a shorter program so people could try the system without a long time commitment.
So, we opened the 7-DAY KICKSTART. And, it has been amazing to see what happens to people in one week.
- Peggy B - Grand Rapids, MI
This is a digital, self-guided, clean eating program that you can participate at a time that is convenient for you. Upon purchasing, you will receive an email with 3 digital downloads: Program Guide, Food Guide, and Cookbook. These three downloads include everything you need to be successful. You will receive the SK60® Weight-Loss System using proven strategies to help you achieve better health and lose weight quickly. This system includes a Daily Routine, 7-Day Meal Plan (for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and beverages), 20 Easy Healthy Recipes, Shopping List, and Cheat Sheets to make following the program super easy. You will also receive a Digestive Evaluation and Protein Evaluation to assess your current state of health and needs in order to effectively track your progress for the best results!
The 7-Day Kickstart materials will be delivered digitally to the email address you provide at checkout. It should arrive within 5-10 minutes of your purchase.
With the 7-Day Kickstart, you'll learn:
At this time the 7-Day Kickstart is only available in digital format. All materials are delivered via email. You can print the materials and have them bound; keep your printed pages in a 3-ring binder; or save the downloads to your digital device and just print the cheat sheets to place on your fridge or board for easy reference.
If you are ready to change your eating habits, and want to get healthy and lose weight, the 7-Day Kickstart is for you! You will need to stick to the daily routine, purchase the recipe ingredients, and cook the recipes (or follow the food guidelines) in order to be successful. If you do not want to try something new and do not want to follow the guidance and routine laid out in the program, the Kickstart is not for you. If you have food allergies to nuts and seeds (particularly almonds or hemp seeds) or avocado, many of the recipes in the program may not be suitable for you.
You get access to the program today for the special promo price of US$29. This is a one-time fee, and you get immediate access to all program materials. You get the SK60® System, Meal Plan, Recipes, Shopping List, Health Evaluations, and all Cheat Sheets.
We want to help you reach your health goals and get real results. So, we have a 14-day money-back guarantee. If the 7-Day Kickstart doesn’t help you in those 14 days, contact us, and we will issue a full refund.
How much weight will I lose?
Everybody is different. Factors like diet, age, gender, body size, muscle mass, genes, hormones, environment, drugs, and physical activity influence metabolism. Our healthy meal plan, in conjunction with regular exercise is an effective way to help regulate metabolism and lose weight. How much weight you will lose on the kickstart will vary. The average participant loses between 5 and 7 pounds.
You will get the best results if you move and exercise as much as possible during the program. Develop your exercise protocol based on your level of comfort and ability in consultation with your doctor or healthcare practitioner. We do not provide a formal exercise routine as part of the 7-Day Kickstart.
All of the recipes are plant-based (dairy-free, egg-free), gluten-free, soy-free, and sugar-free. You have the option to supplement the recipes with animal protein from our approved list, and you can mix and match recipes to suit your dietary stripes, flavor preferences, and budget.
If you cannot source a particular ingredient, there are substitution suggestions in the recipes. If you don’t like a particular ingredient or recipe, there are “off meal plan” suggestions you can slot into the program. If you have food allergies to nuts and seeds (particularly almonds or hemp seeds) or avocado, many of the recipes on the 7-Day Kickstart may not be suitable for you.
Not likely. This is not a starvation diet, and you do not count calories. The meal plan includes recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus snacks and beverages. The recipe portions are deliberately generous to accommodate even the most voracious appetites. Most participants report having leftovers to use as snacks or to share with family members. Having said that, everybody is different, and should you feel hungry, we have provided delicious snack recipes and a list of recommended snacks.
Yes. And, you control your protein intake. You will use the SK60® Protein Evaluation to determine your protein needs. The core recipes are high in plant-based protein, and then you supplement the recipes with high quality animal protein from our approved list and/or additional plant protein to reach your protein quota each day.
Absolutely! Many participants do the program with their spouse or partner. And, the recipes are family-friendly, and many dishes are really popular with kids so you can teach them healthy habits, too.
On average, it takes about 1 hour per day to make the meals and snacks; and about 2 hours on the prep day to get ready for the week. Most recipes take between 15 and 30 minutes to prepare or assemble. You will often be eating leftovers for lunch to make prep easier.
Depending on what oils and spices you have in your pantry, the average participant spends about $150 on groceries for the program.
Yes! Caffeine can aid weight loss and fat burning when consumed at appropriate times for your activity levels and workout schedule. If you do consume caffeine, we recommend consuming it in moderation in the morning before noon to support quality rest and sleep. Our daily routine guidelines can help you learn more about making caffeine work for you during the program.
This is the Skinny60® not the Dry60. If you want to drink alcohol, we recommend consuming it during the day, rather than at night, to give your body time to digest it. However, you will get the best results if you refrain from consuming alcohol during the week you are on the program.
Even though this is a clean eating program and is not an extreme approach, we recommend that you make an appointment with your doctor or healthcare practitioner who is familiar with your medical history to discuss the suitability of some of our recommendations. We also recommend reviewing your current medications and supplements with your practitioner to determine whether our recommended supplements (which are optional) are right for you.
Please consult with your doctor or medical practitioner to determine whether the 7-Day Kickstart is appropriate for you.
We do not recommend pregnant and nursing mothers participate in the program.
- Margaret A - Seattle, WA
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Over 30,000 people
have used my programs to boost their health and energy.
100,000+ cookbooks sold
with Penguin Random House.
2 million people
in The Blender Girl community living their best life, and you're invited too!